February 2017 Board Action

Today the McNeese State University and Northwestern State University search committees met to approve the timeline and advertisement for each search.

Next steps include search committee meetings at the universities to gather feedback from students, faculty, staff and community members. The search committees will meet at Northwestern on聽March 9 and at McNeese on March 13.

The System hopes to have new leadership in place at both universities by July 1.

Additional information regarding the McNeese search including the approved timeline and advertisement is available here.

Additional information regarding the Northwestern search including the approved timeline and advertisement is available here.

Yesterday the 青涩直播 Legislature agreed on a budget plan that spares higher education from cuts after its nine-day special session.

“We applaud our governor and legislators who developed budget solutions that did not include yet another cut to higher education,” 青涩直播System President and CEO Jim Henderson said. “The Universities of 青涩直播 are a positive return on investment for our state and we will continue to work with our leadership to ensure those returns are realized for 青涩直播’s taxpayers.”

The $304 million mid-year deficit will be closed using cuts to state agencies as well as $99 million from the state鈥檚 rainy day fund.

The Legislature鈥檚 focus will now shift to the聽聽fiscal聽session which will address the state’s tax policies and negotiate the details of the state’s 2018 budget.

Today the Board of Supervisors for the University of 青涩直播 System approved $3.24 million in endowments, first generation scholarships and graduate endowed scholarships. If the Board of Regents fully funds its 40 percent match, the total grows to $5.4 million. With the exception of Grambling State University, all of the Universities of 青涩直播 are positioned to receive funds.

Academic and Student Affairs Committee
骋谤补尘产濒颈苍驳:听approval of a Letter of Intent for a Bachelor of Science degree program in Nursing.
狈颈肠丑辞濒濒蝉:听approval of a Letter of Intent for the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree program.
approval to revise the University鈥檚 Mission, Vision, and Core Values Statements.
: approval of a Letter of Intent for the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Elementary Education with concentrations in Elementary Education and Elementary French Immersion.
青涩直播Lafayette: approval of a letter of Intent for 青涩直播LIFE, Learning is for Everyone (Intellectual Disabilities Program in the College of Education) non-degree program.
青涩直播Lafayette: approval of the Concept Proposal for a K-12 Laboratory School at the University of 青涩直播 at Lafayette.
ULM: approval to amend its Memorandum of Understanding with SouthArk Community College.
UNO: approval of a Pathway to Interdisciplinary Studies with Northshore Technical Community College.
UNO: approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian Maritime University, India.

Athletic Committee
厂辞耻迟丑别补蝉迟别谤苍:听approval of a contract with Mr. Christopher McBride, Head Women鈥檚 Soccer Coach, effective December 1, 2016.
Southeastern: approval of a contract with Mr. Ron Roberts, Head Football Coach, effective December 1, 2016.

Facilities Planning Committee
LA Tech: approval to name the auditorium in Lomax Hall in honor of the late Mr. John D. Hoogland.
惭肠狈别别蝉别:听approval to enter into a land lease agreement with the McNeese State University Foundation.
ULM: approval of the demolition of the Anna Gray Noe Alumni Center.
ULM: approval of the demolition of the storage building located at 4709A Bon Aire Drive on the campus of the University.
ULM: approval to proceed with the Act of Donation for two vacant lots located at 901 and 903 North McGuire Avenue, Monroe, 青涩直播.
UNO: approval to lease the Athletic Center (TAC) Building to Educators for Quality Alternatives, Inc.

Finance Committee
LA Tech:聽approval to enter into a ten-year lease-purchase of 12 aircraft and to submit a request in the name of the Board of Supervisors for the University of 青涩直播 System for approval of the lease-purchase.
LA Tech: approval to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Ruston Country Club, LLC for the public purpose of educating students and providing recreational opportunities for students.
McNeese: approval to allow a student referendum in April 2017 for student self-assessed fees as follows on a single ballot: Greek Life, Athletics, and Cowgirl Kickers.
McNeese: approval to allow a student referendum in April 2017 for a student self-assessed Band Fee.
Nicholls: approval to repurpose the La Pirogue Yearbook student self-assessed fee.
青涩直播Lafayette: approval of special pricing for the online Master of Business Administration degree program.
ULM: approval of a contract with RTG & Associates to market a dual enrollment leadership program and to recruit high school students nationwide.
UNO: approval to convert the Jean Brainard Boebel Chair in Historic Preservation to two Endowed Professorships:
(a) Jean Brainard Boebel Endowed Professorship in Historic Preservation
(b) Richard Wallin Boebel Endowed Professorship in Anthropology
青涩直播System: approval to establish LEQSF (8g) Endowed Professorships/First Generation Endowed Scholarships/Superior Scholarships as follows:
聽聽聽聽聽 LA Tech
聽聽聽聽聽 1. Ruth and J.N. Walpole First Generation Student Endowed Scholarship
2. Denise G. and Nolan A. O鈥橬eal First Generation Student Endowed Scholarship
聽聽聽聽 McNeese
聽聽聽聽 1. Dorothy and Wallace Hanna Endowed Professorship in Performing Arts #1
2. Dorothy and Wallace Hanna Endowed Professorship in Performing Arts #2
3. Dorothy and Wallace Hanna Endowed Professorship in Performing Arts #3
4. Citgo Petroleum Professorship in Engineering #9
5. Robert Noland Professorship in Agricultural Sciences
6. Fanny Edith Winn Professorship in Nursing #2
聽聽聽聽聽1. The Wayne Patten #1 Endowed Professorship
2. The Wayne Patten #2 Endowed Professorship
聽聽聽聽聽1. The Valley Electric/SWEPCO Endowed Professorship in Business
2. The Tommy Johnson Endowed Professorship in Business
3. Irene Woodruff Holly Health Sciences Endowed First Generation Scholarship
4. Valley Electric/SWEPCO First Generation Scholarship
5. The G. Stanley Lewis Graduate Endowed Scholarship in Special Education
聽聽聽聽 1. J.W. McClimans Professorship in Mathematics
2. Charles Emery Cate First Generation Endowed Scholarship
3. J.W. McClimans First Generation Endowed Scholarship #1
4. J.W. McClimans First Generation Endowed Scholarship #2
5. Judge Shelton Fernandez First Generation Endowed Scholarship
6. Tournillon Superior Graduate Scholarship in the Master of Business Administration Program
7. Karl Superior Graduate Scholarship in Biological Studies
聽聽聽聽 1. Thelma & Jamie Guilbeau/BORSF Professorship in History Instruction IV
2. Thelma & Jamie Guilbeau/BORSF Professorship in History Instruction V
3. Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco/BORSF Professorship in Liberal Arts I
4. Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco/BORSF Professorship in Liberal Arts II
5. Rayne State Bank U.J. 鈥淒ucky鈥 Prevost/BORSF Professorship-MBA Faculty
6. Francis Patrick Clark/BORSF Endowed Professorship in the School of Computing & Informatics I
7. Francis Patrick Clark/BORSF Endowed Professorship in the School of Computing & Informatics II
8. Gene & Peggy Fortier/BORSF First Generation Endowed Scholarship in Business
9. Terri Landry/State Farm/BORSF First Generation Endowed Scholarship in Business
10. Michael & Jovette Mosing/BORSF First Generation Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
11. James D. Moncus/BORSF Endowed Graduate School Scholarship in Nursing II
聽聽聽聽 1. Emy-Lou Biedenharn Second Endowed Professorship in Music
2. Linda and Nick Bruno University Honors Endowed Professorship
3. Nursing Endowed Professorship
4. Jan & Gary Luffey Endowed Professorship in Life Sciences
5. Leon Hammonds Professorship
6. Milton and Bertha Gorn Super First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
7. T. and Dollie John Super First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
8. Paul and Mary Fink Super First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
9. Oscar Cahn & Kurt & Irmgard Fisher Super First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
10. Carol Christopher First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
11. Ernest and Sophia Holloway First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
12. Anna Meyer First Generation Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
聽聽聽 1. Canizaro-Livingston Endowed Professorship in Software and Systems Development
2. University of New Orleans International Alumni Association First Generation Scholarship
青涩直播System: approval to adjust non-restident tuition and fees at Nicholls State University, University of 青涩直播 at Lafayette, and University of New Orleans as allowed by Act 455 of the 2016 Regular Session of the 青涩直播 Legislature.
青涩直播System: approval of Payments made by nonprofit organizations to employees of the University of 青涩直播 System during Fiscal Year 2016 in accordance with provision of the 青涩直播 Revised Statute (R.S.) 17:3390(F).

Personnel Committee
Grambling: approval to appoint Dr. Ellen Smiley as Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, effective March 1, 2017.
青涩直播Lafayette: approval to appoint Dr. Jessica Leger as Interim Director of Athletics, effective December 1, 2016.
青涩直播Lafayette: approval to appoint Dr. Bryan Maggard as Director of Athletics, effective March 1, 2017.
UNO: approval to appoint Dr. Matthew Tarr as Vice President for Research and Economic Development, effective January 18, 2017.

Board Chair’s Business
McNeese: approval to authorize the University President to take necessary actions to remedy a dispute related to an athletic game guarantee.